Simple Hand Printed Card for Hanna

Card for Hanna 2.jpg

I've always been fascinated by Matryoshka (or babushka) nesting dolls, and these often make appearances in my work be it knitting, stitching, feltmaking or papercraft. To me they symbolise my eastern European origins, and maternal lineage. I made this design to give to my Aunty Hanna for her birthday recently, but today I've made a little army of matryoshkas.

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The doll was printed using a simple print block I made using a paper embossing tool on a piece of foam pizza packaging - so it's recycling too :) I've mounted my 'babushkas' onto some lovely decorative papers and finished a few carefully selected buttons.

It's always lovely to give or receive handmade cards, and even though using the same print block, each print will be unique.

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